
IBA Thuringia

The International Building Exhibition (IBA) Thuringia, along with its partners, is focused on developing resource-conscious projects with public welfare-oriented values in Thuringia until 2023. The theme of the exhibition is StadtLand, which describes the small-scale settlement structure in the Free State. The IBA Thuringia aims to create innovative, experimental projects that can be emulated by others.

The IBA Thuringia is actively involved in revitalizing vacant spaces in the state and supports spatial entrepreneurs and new forms of cooperation between administration, business, and civil society. It also creates experimental new buildings that will make building culture a trademark of Thuringia. The IBA Thuringia provides networking, advisory, and motivational support to project promoters and promotes excellent design. The ultimate goal of the exhibition is to rethink Thuringia as a place of progress and an experimental laboratory for the future.

IBA meets IBA

The IBA Thuringia is part of the tradition of great German building exhibitions, with a history of more than a hundred years. Over time, the focus has shifted from the idea of an international showcase to large-scale urban and regional development processes in existing buildings. Today, international building exhibitions are considered a proven instrument of building culture and innovative urban and regional development.

For more information about the history and format of the International Building Exhibitions, please visit


the final presentation of the IBA Thuringia will take place from May 5 to October 29 in the Eiermannbau Apolda. Furthermore, other events and exhibitions are offered in the StadtLand Thüringen. You can find the program in the calendar.


In 2019 the IBA interim presentation coincided with the centenary of the Bauhaus from 24 May to 29 September in the Eiermannbau.


In 2017 the first IBA project was completed with the St. Anna Art Chapel in Krobitz.


The StadtLand Summer took place.

In 2015, the IBA wanted to hold its first central exhibition with a variety of events under the title STADTLAND. However, due to arson, the exhibition venue was destroyed to the ground one month before the opening. The IBA was unable to find a new suitable location in a hurry and cancelled the exhibition as a result. At the same time, it decided to hold the 'StadtLand Gespräche' dialogue series planned during the exhibition as a decentralized 'StadtLand Sommer' instead of centrally.
The 'StadtLand Sommer' included various event formats that covered the whole of Thuringia, were aimed at a broad public and discussed the IBA thesis StadtLand from various aspects.


Dr. Marta Doehler-Behzadi took over the business of IBA Thuringia. The founding phase of the IBA Thuringia was concluded with a call for projects and project work began with 16 nominated candidates. Almost 250 ideas from all over Thuringia were received in response to the first IBA call for projects 'Zukunft StadtLand!' between May and September. On the recommendation of the IBA advisory board, 16 IBA candidates were nominated and three expectation areas were named.


The IBA Thuringia celebrated its official launch. The first IBA conference 'Resource: Thuringia' took place. Under the management of Prof. Dr. Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, the structures of IBA Thüringen GmbH were further developed. The first IBA Salons and expert discussions were held; IBA tours to all districts and independent cities were launched and the first call for projects was prepared.


The Internationale Bauausstellung Thüringen GmbH was founded. Under the management of Prof. Dr. Marion Eich-Born and Frank Krätzschmar, the structural and content-related development phase began.


The feasibility study for the IBA Thuringia was carried out in 2010/11 by a project group at the Thuringian Ministry for Building, Regional Development and Transport. The task was to identify possible themes, sound out the willingness of potential partners to participate and determine suitable organisational structures for an IBA Thuringia. The direction of the study was discussed in talks with the Bauhaus-University Weimar and other Thuringian universities, a close circle of advisors from the 'Ettersburg Gespräche’ and representatives of social groups and institutions. The feasibility study is divided into three documents. An abridged version is also available.


The Thuringian state government stated in its coalition agreement that it would examine the possibilities of an International Building Exhibition (IBA) as part of a 'Building Quality Offensive' suggested by the Thuringian Chamber of Architects. On the basis of the coalition agreement 'Strong Thuringia - innovative, sustainable, social and cosmopolitan', the CDU and SPD coalition partners agreed to use the potential of the IBA format. The Thuringian cabinet then commissioned the Ministry of Building, Regional Development and Transport to prepare a feasibility study for an IBA in Thuringia.

StadtLand Thüringen

The theme of the IBA Thuringia is StadtLand, which describes the small-scale settlement structure of the Free State of Thuringia. The term represents a shift towards changed relationships between individuals and nature, settlement and landscape, and society and its resources. StadtLand is rooted in natural, landscape, material, and resource contexts, where disconnection has been the focus for several centuries. The IBA Thuringia aims to promote a changed social 'metabolism' and solve problems through equal and innovative urban-rural relationships. The regional reference becomes the thematic bracket for discourses and projects of the IBA Thuringia, making it a godfather for numerous regions in Europe and the world facing similar conditions and challenges.

Focal Points of the IBA Thurigina

ProvinzModerne rebuild

The IBA Thuringia focuses on making an effective contribution to climate protection with all its projects, and promotes timber construction as a construction method that binds CO2 in the building material and uses a raw material that is widespread in Thuringia. With the participation of Thuringia's project actors, sustainable projects and a sustainable economic cycle are being developed for the StadtLand.

Build SelbstLand

The IBA Thuringia supports actors in building sustainable structures and new alliances, and promotes democratic and solidary communities. It encourages the involvement of new building owners, clients, and a committed civil society, as well as alternative organizational and financing models.

Convert LeerGut

Vacancies are prevalent in many towns and villages in Thuringia. The activation and further use of this stock is necessary for securing the external and internal impact of localities, as well as for dealing with built-up energy, collective identities, and spatial resources in a climate-conscious manner. The IBA Thuringia, together with its partners, is developing various vacant sites with potential in the StadtLand.

Venue of the IBA Thuringia

By broadening the focus beyond just cities and villages to include the surrounding countryside, the IBA Thuringia aims to bring regional change and systemic solutions to the forefront, including the critical issue of renewable energy. Rather than seeing larger and smaller cities as isolated centers, the IBA Thuringia views them as interconnected zones, which creates an opportunity for action to develop the best potential for the city-country of the future.

Development Path of the IBA Thuringia

Rethink, Rebuild & Recycle

The most important development task is to deal with what already exists. Rather than constantly expanding and building on new land, the IBA Thuringia advocates for continued use, repurposing, and conversion of existing sites and buildings. The issues of climate protection and energy renewal are prioritized in innovative conversions and new buildings, while also valuing savings and simple standards that generate economic and ecological value for Thuringia.

How the IBA Thuringia Works

Communal & Cooperative

The IBA Thuringia aims to test new organizational forms of cooperation and governance systems that are collectively supported. It focuses on new alliances, collaborative projects, and co-productions between civil society, the market, and the state, prioritizing exemplary and innovative processes rather than just good results.

Expression of the IBA Thuringia

The IBA Thuringia distinguishes itself with excellently built and designed projects that showcase creativity, experimentation, new approaches, and cosmopolitanism. The goal is to create a valid and consistently contemporary statement of building and design in Thuringia that contributes to a new, digital, ecological, and regional building culture. The focus is on the detail rather than grandeur, in keeping with the spirit of a building exhibition.


The IBA Thuringia sees itself as a real laboratory for the practical testing of new ideas and approaches. It relies on committed actors and takes the initiative itself. IBA projects should take up the programmatic concerns of the IBA and implement them in an exemplary manner. IBA Thuringia offers its partners professional and communicative support and organizes exchanges with experts and initiators. It ensures that the projects are noticed nationally and internationally. This is done primarily through exhibitions in the milestone years 2015, 2019 and 2023. It also involves the public and builds up a network of interested parties in the national and international context, of supporters and committed people.


Projects, candidates, expectation spaces

IBA Thuringia implements its projects through various means. In 2014, it launched a statewide call for projects under the title 'Zukunft STADTLAND!' Based on the recommendation of the advisory board, 16 IBA candidates and three IBA expectation areas were nominated. Additionally, the organization formulates search directions and expectation spaces as well as targeted calls, and initiates projects. IBA Thuringia nominates innovative ideas and proposals as IBA candidates, which, if they prove their innovative character, structural excellence, and feasibility, are realized as IBA projects.

IBA projects are held to high standards. They are radical in their thinking, trend-setting in relation to the IBA themes and goals, creative in their implementation, and excellent in their design. They are regionally anchored and open to international stimuli. IBA projects leave the 'state of the art' behind and are exemplary as a process and product for good planning and building. These projects become model cases and prototypes for the transition of StadtLand and, ideally, will give it a convincing face and an appropriate shape, so that they will be talked about internationally. Their experiences are 'open source' and will be made available to other interested parties.


IBA Thuringia continuously communicates and conveys its program, projects, and processes through exhibitions, events, and a magazine. The IBA Thuringia held its first ‘StadtLand Sommer’ in 2015 and had its interim presentation in 2019, coinciding with the centenary of the Bauhaus. In 2023, the IBA Thuringia will present itself as a public and international showcase of change with a real exhibition.


IBA Thuringia also holds various event formats such as IBA Salons, IBA Conferences, workshop meetings, and public events locally with the IBA candidates.


IBA Thuringia publishes a magazine at the beginning of each year that reports on the previous period's activities and developments and looks ahead to the next stage. The magazine presents the IBA candidates and projects, while the Panorama provides inspiration from the national network and the international arena. The magazine can be ordered from the office.

Organization and structure

IBA Thuringia GmbH was founded in 2012 by the Thuringian state government, and the Free State of Thuringia is the sole shareholder. The organization is mainly financed by budget funds from the Free State.

Supervisory Board

The supervisory board advises and monitors the management of IBA Thüringen GmbH and sets the guidelines for its activities.

Members of the Supervisory Board:

Prof. Dr. Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats
Minister für Kultur, Bundes- und Europaangelegenheiten und Chef der Staatskanzlei

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Schönig
Stellvertretende Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats
Staatssekretärin im Thüringer Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Landwirt-schaft

Dr. Katja Böhler
Staatssekretärin im Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft

Elmar Dräger
Präsident der Ingenieurkammer Thüringen

Silke Franz
Referentin MWU - Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Energie, Klimaschutz und Umwelt des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

Prof. Olaf Langlotz

Anna Mlejnek-Göring
Referentin der Stabsstelle Presse, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Reden im Thüringer Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Naturschutz

Dr. Hans-Gerd Schmidt
Präsident der Architektenkammer Thüringen

Katrin Waldner
Referentin im Thüringer Finanzministerium

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board provides guidance and assistance to the IBA Thuringia in its endeavors. It incorporates domestic and foreign knowledge into the community, participates in program development, and assists in proposing, assessing, and qualifying projects

Members of the Advisory Board:

Dr. Kenneth Anders
Büro für Landschaftskommunikation, Bad Freienwalde

Andrea Hofmann

Prof. Barbara Holzer
Holzer Kobler Architekturen, Zürich/Berlin, Peter Behrens School of Arts, Düsseldorf

Michael von der Mühlen (Vorsitzender)
Staatssekretär a.D. im Ministerium für Bauen, Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Stephan Petermann
Founder MANN, Amsterdam

Prof. Kerstin Schultz
Hochschule Darmstadt

Prof. Antje Stokman
HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Studio Urbane Landschaften, Hamburg

Dr. Julian Petrin
urbanista, Hamburg